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First Year Anniversary

Huasta House of Hope celebrated its first anniversary on September 19th with a formal celebration to mark the occasion. The entire community attended a barbecue, after which our General Manager Cesar Vallejos presented commemorative gifts to the mayor, city council members, and the elders of the community. Photos show the presentation of commemoration medallions being presented to the officials of the community and elders who comprise the Senior Delegation. Present were our seniors who use the facility weekly and the children who study during the week after school. A great time was had by all.

Everyone is looking forward to the Chocolatada to be held prior to Christmas, and the ribbon cutting of the new clinic to serve the medical and dental needs of Huasta House of Hope.

Looking at the number of children being served this first year has shown how Huasta House of Hope has affected the community. When Huasta House of Hope opened, the number of children coming to the center averaged 15 to 17 on Saturday and Sunday. This number has increased to over 60 children after changing the days open to Friday and Saturday. In addition to the numbers, there was an increase in programs being offered. One of the most successful programs was the summer school English classes, which were offered two days a week for six weeks. The program was tailored to the different age groups and was attended by over 26 children each of the days offered. On top of the classes, food and beverages were served and enjoyed by all. To further assist our children, the generous donors of Huasta House of Hope purchased seventeen tablets to help the children with their homework. Now, after school, the children study in a supervised environment until it is time to go home rather than staying in the street.

One of the most important features to be added this coming year is our clinic, which will serve the medical and dental needs of those that need it most. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, it will also stock medicines that are commonly needed but not readily available. In closing, the future of Huasta House of Hope is promising thanks to the generosity of our benefactors. Thank you and God bless you for improving the lives of the most needy of Huasta in the Andes of Peru.