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Serving Our Residents Medical Needs

When the Knights took over management and operation of Huasta House of Hope on September 19, 2021, the floor plan of the center consisted of many areas, such as the kitchen, dining room, office and a clinic. Although the other areas had been furnished, the furnishings in the clinic consisted of a desk, bookcase, and stretcher.

Concentrating on the basics such as a stable staff and determining who would be eligible to use the facility consumed most of the first year of operation. Only those most in need, both children and seniors, could sign up and receive our services. This resulted in a beginning roster of 17 seniors and 21 children, as time passed, these numbers increased to 29 seniors and 59 children.

Keeping in mind the goal of helping those most in need, our direct mail insert contained the photos of equipment needed to operate a dental/medical clinic with the estimated cost to purchase these items. Shortly after sending out the request for donations a couple who had donated prior to this asked to receive a detailed summary of the cost to open the clinic which I forwarded to them. Touched by the Holy Spirit, they asked to receive a certificate of our 501 c3 status and remitted the amount necessary to purchase the equipment which we did.

During the following months, we kept in touch and I received another request by these benefactors to determine what medications and supplies we would need to open the clinic. Upon receipt of the list, they again donated the amount necessary to fully stock the clinic to service both the dental and medical needs of our children and seniors. At the same time that we were stocking the clinic, I received a call from the former social worker who had been in charge of the village of Huasta for the prior administration. She was available should I need her services. Again the Holy Spirit interceded and not only were we able to obtain her services but also the services of a dentist, his assistant, a registered nurse, dietician, and psychologist who all arrived two weeks ago to begin serving our children and seniors. The Lord works in magnificent ways.

Thank all of you who made this possible and God bless you, your families, and our great country, the United States of America, the most giving country in the world.